PB4L (Positive Learning for Behaviour)

PB4L / Golden Time / Dojo

Dear Parents/Caregivers/ Children

God Bless you all. The staff send our love and prayers to you and your whanau. We hope that all our families are safe and happy in their Bubbles and that many of you are able to enjoy some extra ‘quality time’ with your children during what is a rather unsettling time because of the Covid Delta variant impacting our country. 

We have been advised by the Ministry of Education that it is important for us to keep doing things that are important to us in our school culture as much as possible.  We have decided to carry on with Super Kids, Principal Awards and Gospel Value awards as well as Golden Time on a Friday.

To enable this to happen we are again asking you to reward your children with Golden Points at home. To get Golden time on a Friday children need to earn a minimum of 3 Golden Points each day with a total of 15 Golden Points by Friday. It is important that the Golden Time reward is decided with you on Monday so the children know what they are working towards each week. Suggested Golden time rewards could be: A family game , Make and eat fruit salad ,  Make and eat ice blocks, Cricket - hit the bat from where the ball lands, Chalk drawing, Make a rocket and launch, Marbles, Table tennis,   Playdough,  A craft activity, Art Activity, Flying a kite in the backyard, Waterplay , A family dance off, Make a smoothie, Have a teddy bears picnic etc. Remember to have fun!  Work with your child to earn a reward that they would like.

We suggest that the children earn their Golden Points under the following categories :

If you feel your child has done especially well at following the Golden Rules or displaying a gospel value  in a particular week you can nominate them to receive a class Super Kid award or a Gospel Value award. Please do this by emailing their class teacher and stating what they have done to deserve the award. You may even like to email a photo.

Thank you for your support in enabling us to keep this special part of our school programme happening. Super Kids, Gospel Value’s Awards and Principal Awards will also be announced each week in the school newsletter which will be available on the school facebook page as well as via email.

Wishing you and your family a safe and happy Lockdown.

Lockdown Challenge

'How to build resilience in my child at home'

"Content for this video was sponsored by oVRcome, Virtual reality smartphone app to help children and adolescents overcome anxiety disorders."

With oVRcome as a link to our website: https://www.ovrcome.io