Enrolment Information
Preference and Non-Preference Students and Enrolment
Catholic schools in New Zealand have a maximum roll which is a number established by the Proprietor and agreed to by the Crown as to the number of students that can legally enrol in a Catholic school.
A Catholic school can legally enrol a maximum of 5% non-preference students if, and only if, there are spaces available; i.e. non-preference students may be enrolled only if places are available after all preference applicants have been enrolled.
Non-Preferential Enrolments may take into account:
What level in the school the vacancy exists.
Whether the child has one or more siblings already enrolled at the school.
Whether there are compassionate grounds regarding the child.
Whether the child is a child of an existing or intended employee of the school.
The date of the request for enrolment (ie the date of entry on the waiting list).
Such other matters as the Principal considers are relevant and are fair and reasonable to take into account.
Enrolling your child at a Catholic School
The Principal handles enrolment in a Catholic School. If a child seeks enrolment as a preference student, he or she must obtain a signed preference certificate from the Parish Priest. The request for preference forms part of the school application form and can be obtained through the school office.
Please note, a signed preference certificate does not guarantee enrolment at a particular school. This may depend on enrolment schemes and school capacity at the time.
It is recommended that you complete a pre-enrolment form for your child as soon as practical. Forms are available at the school office. We must have a completed pre-enrolment form to put you on our waiting list.
Should you wish to view the school prior to pre-enrolment please contact the school office to arrange a time to meet with the Principal.