Enrolment Information

Preference and Non-Preference Students and Enrolment

Catholic schools in New Zealand have a maximum roll which is a number established by the Proprietor and agreed to by the Crown as to the number of students that can legally enrol in a Catholic school.

A Catholic school can legally enrol a maximum of 5% non-preference students if, and only if, there are spaces available; i.e. non-preference students may be enrolled only if places are available after all preference applicants have been enrolled.

Non-Preferential Enrolments may take into account:

Enrolling your child at a Catholic School

The Principal handles enrolment in a Catholic School. If a child seeks enrolment as a preference student, he or she must obtain a signed preference certificate from the Parish Priest.  The request for preference forms part of the school application form and can be obtained through the school office.

Please note, a signed preference certificate does not guarantee enrolment at a particular school. This may depend on enrolment schemes and school capacity at the time.

It is recommended that you complete a pre-enrolment form for your child as soon as practical. Forms are available at the school office. We must have a completed pre-enrolment form to put you on our waiting list.

Should you wish to view the school prior to pre-enrolment please contact the school office to arrange a time to meet with the Principal.

enrolment form2024.pdf