Cyber Safety Agreement

Digital technologies and devices like iPads, and chromebooks are tools that can help us learn at school in all sorts of ways. We can look at interesting things online, talk to people, create new ideas, music and media, gather new ideas, and learn how to use tools. When we use digital technologies and online spaces it is important that we learn ways to keep ourselves safe, and that we make positive choices when interacting with others online. At St Joseph’s we call this ‘digital citizenship’. 

As good digital citizens we help to make our school a safe and positive place for everyone. We know it is not always easy to understand everything about online spaces. It can be complicated at times, and sometimes things can go wrong. It is important that we commit to working together to ensure that it is as safe as possible to use digital tools and online spaces for learning, at school and at home. 

St Joseph’s Catholic School’s Role 

We will do this by: 

■ Helping you to know what you need to do to keep safe online. 

■ Helping you to know what to do if it you are worried or upset by anything or anyone online. 

■ Making sure we have learning times at school where you can find out more about keeping safe online and safe ways to use your device or computers. 

Digital parent’s guidelines 

Depending on age/ability of your child you can 

As digital parents 

■ Be a role model. 

■ Be knowledgeable about Managing online safety at home. 

■ Talk about digital citizenship and appropriate netiquette rules. 

Ensure all Internet equipment (Computer, cell phone, laptop, mobile device, tablet) is used in the living room, or a space where everyone can see it. 

■ No computer after 8:00pm. 

■ CHECK my software and Security settings regularly. 

■ Keep LOG ON codes known to Parents only, entered by the Parent or create separate LOG ON with less access and privileges for my child. 

■ Ask my child what they are doing, where they are going online and whom they are communicating with. 

■ Check what sites my child has been accessing. 

■ Check my child’s cell phone text messages. 

■ Let my child know all posting online and downloading is by Parent permission only. 

■ Manage cellphone bills, downloading of apps, games etc. 

Let your child know: 

■ Use of equipment is a privilege. 

■ I am the parent, discuss this further. 

■ Follow through on consequences and reward cooperation. 

■ Consistency is the agent for change in behaviour, not the size of the penalty!! 

■ Talk to your child, get them to show you what to do. 

■ If your child is being bullied, report this to school, providers or Police if this is a serious or immediate threat. 

■ If your child is the bully, educate, report and follow through on consequences. 

For more information on keeping your child safe online please go to 

Student’s Role 

We want our school to be a place that is safe and friendly, where we can learn, play and explore. To do this we need everyone to choose safe, careful, and fair ways of using devices and online spaces. As a digital citizen this means you will: 

■ Keep it kind. When you are online, think about others and talk or share in a kind way. 

Keep your passwords and information about yourself or other people safe and private. 

■ Keep it careful. Think carefully about what you share and make sure it’s something you are proud of and would be happy sharing with someone else face to face. 

■ Keep it real. Not everything you see online is real. It might look or sound real, but some things are made up or fake, so be careful to check or ask a teacher if you’re not sure. 

■ Keep it honest. When we copy or use words, pictures and ideas from the internet, we need to make sure we share these things in the right way and follow the rules for sharing things that don’t belong to us. 

■ Keep it fair. Make sure you check with others if it is okay to record them, or share photos or videos with them in it. They should have a say in what happens to things that go online if they are in them. 

■ Keep it responsible. If you bring your own device to school, use it in ways, and at the times that your teacher says it is okay to. 

When Things Go Wrong Online 

This section outlines how students can seek support and help.

Even when people try to do the right thing, sometimes things go wrong. If you or somebody you know does something online that isn’t okay maybe by accident or on purpose, your teacher will help you to sort it out. If you see things online that make you feel worried or upset, your teacher will help you sort it out. The important thing is to tell a teacher or another adult you trust. 

Online bullying. Online bullying is not okay at our school at any time. If somebody is saying mean or hurtful things about you or somebody else online, talk to a teacher or trusted adult. They will help you with what to do. Don’t delete or hide the messages or pictures because these are important to show what has been happening. Turn your screen off and then go tell a teacher or trusted adult. 

Report a problem. If you see something online that you don’t think should be there, tell a teacher or a trusted adult at school as soon as you can. This is really helpful, and means we get to fix the problem quickly. The school will look and see how to fix it, and take away the problem. 

Online safety support. Netsafe helps people to be safe online. They can help you or your family if you are having problems online. They have free, private help for you and your family for any online safety problems, and they are there to help seven days a week. You can get hold of them on the phone 0508 638 723, or their website at