Our Catholic Character

As a Catholic school our Special Character is at the heart of all that we do. Student nurturing and a sense of community are the priorities in the early years, allowing children to feel comfortable at school and enjoy learning.

We value our Christian Faith. We deliver morals based education; our children should clearly understand the difference between right and wrong. We respect each child’s uniqueness and the special attributes they bring to the school.


School liturgies are celebrated regularly on important feast days. Parents are most welcome to join us for these celebrations. Dates and times will be advised in our school newsletter.

School Mass

We are part of the St. Peter Chanel Parish and we value the love and support given to the school by our Parish Priest, Parish Council and parishioners. The school celebrates Mass with the parish on Sunday once a term and all families of St. Joseph’s School are expected to attend this Mass as a sign of commitment to the Catholic Character of our school.


Prayer is an essential part of daily school life. Each classroom has a prayer centre as a focus. Classes begin each day in prayer so it is important that all children arrive at school on time so as not to miss or interrupt this important start to the day. If arriving late, we request that children and parents wait outside the classroom until prayers are completed. Parents are welcome to join the class for Morning Prayer.

Below is our 2023 and 2018 Catholic Special Character Reviews

Final St Joseph's Whakatane Catholic Character Evaluation Report 2023.pdf
Copy of St Joseph's Catholic School Whakatane 2018.pdf