School Policies & Procedures


If parents or caregivers wish to voice a concern or make a complaint please address the teacher in the first instance. This may be followed by contacting the Senior Teacher and then the Principal if a matter is not resolved.  

Emergency Procedures

Should the school be involved in any form of emergency all staff will follow the set procedure as directed by the school policy. All children will, if safe, be assembled on the school field in class groups and will be held there until such time as it is deemed safe by the Principal to return to classes. If children cannot return to class they will remain on the school field until picked up by a caregiver, transported home (where it has been confirmed a caregiver will be home) or taken to the Civil Defense Emergency location at WHAKATANE WAR MEMORIAL HALL.  In the event of an emergency, caregivers are advised to listen to the radio where all information will be conveyed.


Accidents of a minor nature are treated at school in the school sickbay. In the event of a more serious injury the caregivers are contacted to determine what action should be taken. If a caregiver cannot be contacted, the school will contact the person listed as emergency contact person.  In the event of being unable to make contact the school will use its discretion in obtaining appropriate medical aid.

Discipline Policy

The school has in place a Behavioural Management Policy with clear guidelines based on positive reinforcement and the necessity to accept responsibility for one's actions. We have school GOLDEN RULES and the children must follow these.  The Golden Rules are: 


Children over the age of 10 may ride bicycles to and from  school. They must wear an appropriate safety helmet and bring a bicycle lock and secure their bikes while at school. 


Class trips linked to a curriculum area are a common event. If the class walks to its destination no written permission slip is required from home, but parents will generally be informed in advance. If the child is to travel by car or bus, unless in exceptional circumstances, parents must sign a permission slip to allow the child to participate in the trip.

Children under 8 are required by law to be secured in a carseat when travelling by car.  It is the caregivers' responsibility to ensure a carseat is provided to the school when required for trips. If the child does not have a carseat then that child will not be able to go on the trip.

Children from year 4-8 may attend a camp. Correspondence will be sent home and meetings held with caregivers to inform you about the venue, programme and safety aspects. 

Risk Assessment and Management forms (RAMs) are completed for all day trips and camps.

School Policies

School's policies are available on school docs for caregivers to view.